Our mission is to positively impact young men who reside in Shelby County to become upstanding citizens.
The Make A Difference Campaign is an organization that focuses on changing communities one young man at a time. Using a holistic approach, we utilize development and mentoring programs to teach young men how to become mentally, physically, and spiritually strong to achieve financial stability. As well as these stated life skills, we also have a strong concentration on properly educating our young men on what it will take to become a successful entrepreneur.
Young men are taught the importance of having basic life skills such as proper nutrition and exercise, personal and business etiquette, job readiness, basic home and auto maintenance, lawn and garden care, communication and engagement with law officials, sex education and preventive health services.
Our program is comprised of African American men who work in a variety of professional industries. These men dedicate their time to mentor our youth who are in desperate need of support and guidance. Our goal is to produce young African American and men of color who are college and career ready by developing their talents and equipping them with the tools needed to achieve success.
After receiving a variety of teachings through our organization, we believe our young men will be equipped to succeed in all areas of life and make our communities better.